10 hang snatch right arm
10 thrusters right arm
10 push press right arm
10 hang snatch left arm
10 thrusters left arm
10 push press left arm
10 burpees
x 5
Kit needed:
One dumbbell
Go for a weight that is a challenge for the push press, about 6 - 12kg
Perform the three exercises on your right arm, then your left arm, then drop for 10 burpees to finish the round. Repeat 5 times.
This is short but it will set fire to your shoulders. Try be smooth with your transitions - from the snatch, catch at the shoulder and go straight into your thrusters, then straight into the push press. Try to swap hands without putting the dumbbell down at any point except for the burpees.
You can scale your weight, and you can scale the rounds down to 3, but all the movements should be doable for all ability levels.