25 calories

50 front squats

50 sit ups

25 calories

50 bar facing burpees

50 push press

25 calories

50 thrusters

50 toes to barbell

25 calories

50 box jump

50 power clean

Kit needed:

Rower / Bike / Ski


Box / Step


This is long and tough - don’t say you haven’t been warned!

Set up a barbell with a weight that you can manage 50 difficult reps. About 20 - 25kg. Work through the 25 calories - on any kit - at a steady pace, then work through the 2 exercises of 50 reps before getting back to more calories.


Push hard on the 50s and go steady on the calories. You’ll need to break down the 50s into mentally and physically achievable blocks - think abouts 20/20/10 or even 10/10/10/10/10. Just keep you eye on getting through each round and the finish line will come…. eventually.


Front squats can be regular back squats

Bar facing burpees can be regular burpees

Toes to barbell can be leg raises

Box jumps can be step ups

Power cleans can be a deadlift or deadlift/high pull

You can also scale the reps from 25/50/50 blocks to 15/30/30 blocks